Kaleah’s 90-Day Fitness Journey with Litesport

We challenged @kaleahvr to a 90-day fitness journey with Litesport—and she said yes! Although she wasn’t sure what to expect from the next 12 weeks, she was excited to explore everything Litesport offers. With our diverse range of workouts, from strength training and boxing to total body sessions that feel more like a dance party, Litesport has always intrigued her. What she didn’t realize was how this journey would turn into a transformative adventure, pushing her limits and helping her grow stronger both mentally and physically. Here’s how it went:

Finding Fun in Fitness

From the very first workout, Kaleah discovered that Litesport was different from your average sweat sesh. The workouts felt like more than just exercise—they were genuinely enjoyable. She often found herself dancing through the session, especially when she could jam out to music from her childhood. But 25 minutes in, she started to notice the burn as her arms felt heavier. It turns out that when a workout is fun, you don’t always notice the intensity! The haptics made it feel like she was actually swinging ropes, and the immersive environments made each workout more engaging and realistic.

“The integration of mixed reality and hand tracking made everything feel seamless.”

Throughout the weeks, Kaleah mixed it up. She dabbled in everything Litesport has to offer—Total Body, Strength, and Boxing workouts. She even brought her headset to the gym for a workout session! Her exploration also led her to discover that Litesport's boxing workouts were no joke—they pushed her to her limits, leaving her stronger and more agile with each session.

The Ups and Downs of a Fitness Challenge

Like any fitness journey, Kaleah's wasn't without its challenges. By week 6, she found herself losing some motivation. However, she dug deep and remembered why she started. She embraced the rhythm of the music, set small and attainable goals, and continued to show up even when she wasn’t feeling it. The result? A breakthrough. By week 7, Kaleah was down 10 pounds, a significant milestone that reinvigorated her spirit and reaffirmed her commitment.

“Showing up consistently was definitely the most challenging part. There were days when motivation was low, but pushing through and showing up anyway made it all the more rewarding. It’s empowering to know that I stuck with it, even when it wasn’t easy.”

Week after week, she tackled a variety of workouts, appreciating how there was always something new to try on Litesport. She realized the importance of staying hydrated, resting when needed, and celebrating every victory, no matter how small. As she pushed through the final stretch, she felt the support of the Litesport community cheering her on.

A Transformation Beyond the Physical

By week 9, Kaleah noticed something different when she looked in the mirror. The physical transformation was undeniable—she could see the weight loss and muscle gain and feel the changes in her body. 

“I was pleasantly surprised by the physical changes, especially when I noticed that I gained 0.8% of skeletal muscle. I assumed that I wouldn’t gain much muscle since I was mainly doing cardio workouts.”

However, the benefits of this challenge extended beyond the physical. Her mental health had also taken a positive turn. She began incorporating 15 and 30-minute breaks into her workday to sneak in a workout, which boosted her mood and provided a much-needed mental reset.

“Working out with Litesport made exercise genuinely fun! Instead of just zoning out on a treadmill, I was moving to the beat of my favorite songs, which really lifted my mood. It’s also a great way to distract myself from daily stressors, and I’ve found that I sleep better when I work out, which in turn improves my mental health.”

Kaleah found that her favorite workouts were the Total Body sessions, which increased her heart rate and delivered a challenging but rewarding experience. With each session, she could feel herself getting stronger. She realized that progress wasn’t just about losing weight or gaining strength but also about the confidence she built along the way.

“The total body workouts were definitely my favorite. They always got my heart rate up, and the battle ropes? They kicked my butt every single time!”

Reflecting on the Journey and Looking Ahead

Kaleah lost 16.4 pounds over the 90 days—a testament to her dedication and consistency with Litesport. But for her, the journey was about more than just numbers on a scale. It was about the joy of dancing to her favorite music, the thrill of trying new workouts, and the encouragement from the Litesport community. She learned that consistency is key, and embracing the fun in fitness makes it easier to stay committed. Her advice for anyone starting Litesport: “Have fun with it! Try different workouts to keep things fresh and exciting. Mixing it up will help you stay engaged and motivated.”

This 90-day challenge was a transformative experience for Kaleah, helping her grow stronger both physically and mentally. While this chapter of her fitness journey is complete, she’s not done yet. She plans to continue this healthy lifestyle, using everything she learned from Litesport to stay consistent, motivated, and, most importantly, to keep having fun. Litesport turned every workout into an adventure, showing her that progress isn’t just about pounds lost or reps completed but about building confidence and happiness along the way.

Follow @kaleahvr on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to keep up with her VR fitness journey as she pushes toward her goal weight—and beyond! Start your own journey today with our Litesport 7-day free trial. Your transformation awaits! 


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