New in the App: Leaderboards, Personal Best, and Other Competitive Features
We’re rolling out new features as a part of our latest app update. Our revamped scoring system plus brand-new Leaderboards, Personal Best, and other updates unlock exciting ways to bring your workout motivation, competition, and progress to the next level.
To help you navigate the changes and take full advantage of your Litesport experience here’s a quick guide on the latest Litesport feature updates and what they mean for your workout.
Brand-New Litesport App Features
One of the exciting new changes to your Litesport app is Leaderboards, where you can see how your score compares to other fighters. Each Punch Track, Sparring Session, and Trainer Class will have its own Leaderboard. Punch Tracks will even have separate Leaderboards for easy, medium, and hard so no matter what difficulty you choose to play on, you can compete for the top spot.
What does this mean for me? You’re no longer just competing against yourself. Now, you can fight for the top spot in a Punch Track, Mitt Drill, Trainer Class, and more while still boxing at the right level for you. This unlocks a whole new level of competition, giving you even more motivation to step into the ring and give it all you’ve got.
Personal Best
Now when you achieve a high score in a Punch Track, trainer class, or sparring session we’ll celebrate by sharing a personal best flag on both your results screen and workout history.
What does this mean for me? It’s even easier to track and be proud of your latest accomplishments with Litesport.
Now you can follow your friends, family members, and other fighters in the Litesport community by going to your Profile > Followers and Following and searching for people directly within the app. You can also filter a Leaderboard to only view those you follow so you can directly compare your results to the people you care about most.
What does this mean for me? Now it’s easier than ever to compete within your own community. Follow your friends and family and challenge them to a workout. Then, use your leaderboard to compare your results and confirm who’s really king or queen of the ring.

Updates to Litesport Scoring System
Per Punch Value
Your score is now based on a per punch value. Each target you successfully punch in time earns you a base of 10 points. You’ll also get extra points when you’re in the flow and nailing multiple successful punches in a row, or achieving what’s called a streak. Another new piece of the scoring puzzle is that your force rating will give you a bonus at the end of your workout. You'll see this in the final results screen, where your score will be increased relative to your average force value throughout the workout.
What does this mean for me? Unlike our old scoring system, content with more punches will have a higher score ceiling compared to those with fewer punches. This means you can score even more points for harder or longer classes.
Wait, why are my points going down? You may notice your scores for some of your plays will go down from what you used to see. Don’t worry! This is because a perfect score on a workout with fewer punches is worth fewer points than a perfect score on a workout with lots of punches. Want more points? Challenge yourself to a longer or more advanced class.
Why are we changing up scoring?
The old scoring system wasn’t well suited for competitive play. Every song or class was scored out of 10,000 points, whether it was an easy 2 minute Punch Track or an Advanced 30 minute workout. This made it hard to really gauge how you performed in relation to the workout you completed.
With our new scoring system we can:
- Reflect the level of difficulty
- Reward players who box for longer periods of time
- Help players understand how their score relates both to other players and their own previous attempts
When do these changes take place?
All feature updates will be live in your Litesport app starting on November 10. Your old scores will still be viewable in your profile history but won’t feature on the Leaderboards since they’re judged using the old scoring system. Leaderboards will only feature scores achieved from November 10, 2021 and onward.
Will we see you on the Leaderboards? Glove up and press play on a Punch Track or Trainer Class to find out. And if you’re new to Litesport, get started with our 7-day free trial.